Whois Domain Lookup
WHOIS allows you to look up the name and contact information of whoever owns the generic domain name of any website. You must provide your registrant with accurate and dependable contact information as part of the registration procedure, and you must quickly rectify and update this information as needed. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) manages it, and it is usually viewed via a computer browser or command-line tool.
What is Whois Domain Lookup Tool?
Whois domain lookup utility is a web-based application that gives information about the registrant of a particular domain. It contains their contact information, registration information, and other important information.
It can be used to determine who owns a domain name, which is useful for those seeking to buy or register domains. It can also be used by those seeking judicial action against someone who has registered a website in their name without their permission.
How to Use the Tool:
Insert the domain name in the toolbar and click lookup. The tool will provide all the information associated with this domain.
The information provided is as follows:
- The Domain Name.
- The Registrar.
- The Owner.
- The Creation Date.
- The Expiration Date.
- The Updated Date.
- The Name Servers.
- The Whois Server.
- The States